Course Details

Texas Hazardous Waste Management Webcast

If your facility generates, accumulates, treats or disposes of hazardous waste in Texas, you must comply with both EPA and the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations. Learn how to manage your hazardous waste in accordance with the latest EPA and TCEQ regulations, including the newly adopted Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule, at this live webcast.


Learn how to: 

  • Determine which of the wastes you generate are classified as hazardous waste by EPA and TCEQ
  • Properly classify Texas Class 1, 2, and 3 industrial solid wastes
  • Apply hazardous waste numbers including both Federal and TX-specific waste codes
  • Operate central accumulation points and satellite accumulation points
  • Ensure waste containers meet EPA requirements
  • Properly mark and label containers for storage and shipment
  • Avoid manifest errors and learn how to use the EPA’s new e-manifest  
  • Properly classify and manage universal waste and used oil
  • Prepare for and respond to hazardous waste emergencies
  • Report, notify, and update information in the State of Texas Electronic Environmental Reporting System (STEERS)
ERCWeb - Additional Details
8 Hours
9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST
Hazardous Waste Management
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CEU: 0.8
ERC - Class Schedule
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CT